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Sunday, 26 September 2010

Supplements for healing the gut wall

So what supplements should you be taking whilst on the candida diet? There are a number of things to take which can help heal up your gut, kill off candida and improve your overall health.

So based on my research this is what I've decided to take on a daily basis:

I got most of these from Holland and Barrett (dropped around £60 on this bunch when I first started) so it's quite pricey to begin with. The L-glutamine and N-acetyle cysteine are supposed to help heal up the gut wall whilst the caprylic acid (obtained from coconuts), ginger and garlic are supposed to help kill candida. The milk thistle and charcoal helps the liver and gut detoxify and clear out the debris from your system. The magnesium I was taking already as it's supposed to help with migraines.

There are other options you can try such as Pau D'Arco, Goldenseal etc which also help kill candida, but I haven't tried them yet. I also take 1 high-strength Multienzyme digestive tablet with each meal, plus a Superlactase capsule if I have anything dairy.

In addition, I bought something called Citricidal from Amazon which is basically Grapefruit Seed Extract, supposed to be good at killing off the candida beasties. The bottle is small enough to carry to work so I tend to get a bottle of water and stick a few drops in to drink during the day, usually after lunch. You should take some three times a day but I tend to have a bottle once after lunch and once after dinner as I prefer the aloe vera in the morning. Citricidal tastes bloody awful too so I often cheat and stick a sweetener tablet in there as well, even if it feels naughty to do so, as it just makes it a tiny bit more drinkable. However it's so bitter you can barely notice the sweetener anyway!

And finally I take a Boots multivitamin for women capsule just to make sure I don't miss out on any odd vitamins in my crappy limited diet. It would be ironic that in the quest to regain my health I give myself a vitamin deficiency instead. I used to take multibionta and a perfectil everyday but then I cottoned on a few weeks ago that they both contained sucrose, which was a bummer. Despite all my efforts I had been ingesting sugar without even realising it. I have since switched to a boots own brand which doesn't seem to mention sugar (from what I can tell) but I did prefer the other two.

Not sure if I'm even taking the right amounts of each supplement but I guess a little is better than none I suppose.

Another Disclaimer: In case anyone gets the wrong idea. I don't work for Holland and Barrett! I don't have any connection with them or anything else in the health industry (except as a consumer). I'm only posting links to help people who are new to this to see the kind of products I'm using, in case they need to try them also.

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